Get an Official Review from OLC:

After self-scoring with the scorecard, the program administrator develops justifications and submits documenting artifacts that are uploaded to the OLC online repository (available to OLC institutional members). Trained Scorecard reviewers examine each score, justification, and artifact and certify that each quality indicator was scored correctly. The process includes a report prepared for the institution with recommendations for possible improvements if applicable. Programs that score 189 points or more after the Official Review will be awarded an Online Learning Consortium Exemplary Program logo that may be displayed on the institution’s website and other materials.

Both virtual and on-site consultations are also available in order to ensure program administrators understand each of the Quality Scorecard indicators, as well as the minimum requirements of each indicator.

To request a Quality Scorecard Official Review, please contact

What is the OLC Quality Scorecard?

This OLC Quality Scorecard process is for measuring and quantifying elements of quality within online education programs in higher education. It is an easy-to-use tool for online program evaluation and continuous improvement. By evaluating each of the respective quality indicators within the established categories, an online program administrator can determine the strengths and weaknesses of their program, which assist the administrator in developing program improvements and strategic planning initiatives. The scorecard can also be used to demonstrate elements of quality within the program, as well as an overall quality levels to accrediting bodies. The scorecard contains 70 quality indicators. Each indicator is worth up to three points. The administrator will determine at what level their program meets the intent of the quality indicator after examining all procedures and processes.

The Quality Scorecard may be used to:

  • Evaluate existing online education programs
  • Improve online education programs
  • Demonstrate to accrediting bodies the breadth of quality in program administration
  • Plan and create new high-quality online education programs
  • Develop strategic objectives for program improvement
  • Benchmarking against other programs of like size and type.

Who is Using the OLC Quality Scorecard?

The OLC Quality Scorecard is now being utilized by institutions all over the United States, Africa and Latin America. Online education program administrators are finding that by using the Scorecard for quality evaluation, they are able to develop strategic objectives for program improvement and demonstrate to accrediting bodies the breadth of quality in program administration. As more institutions have adopted the Scorecard, there have been requests for “official reviews” of the Quality Scorecard by the Online Learning Consortium.