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Here are some pages that may be similar to the one you're looking for.

OLC Research Center for Digital Learning & Leadership - Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning The purpose of these resources is to provide broad coverage of pedagogical and andragogical topics that are pertinent to those who interact with students and wish to expand their knowledge and practice when working with students in the digital age. Through a combination of research studies, white papers,... Read More>

OLC Research Center for Digital Learning & Leadership - Digital Learning

Digital Learning This collection provides resources on how we teach and learn in a digital age, as well as how to implement digital learning projects and case studies to better understand the experiences of those who have implemented digital courseware and digital learning initiatives on their campuses.  Do you have an... Read More>

OLC Research Center for Digital Learning & Leadership - Instructional Design/Learning Design

Instructional Design/Learning Design The role of the instructional designer varies from campus to campus and comes with its own unique set of responsibilities and challenges.  This curated collection provides resources that are both unique to the role and preparation of the instructional designer, as well as resources that provide instructional designers... Read More>


Conferences [toggle_container title ="Conferences"] [toggle title="How much do conferences cost?"] Conferences vary in cost and there are discounts available for early registration, OLC members, students, retirees and others. Go to and click on your conference of choice for more information. [/toggle] [toggle title="How many conferences do you have?"] OLC hosts 2 major conferences per year.... Read More>

OLC Community Membership

Join our community Joining the OLC community as a Community Member is a great introduction to the quickly evolving and specialized field of online education. Community Membership is free and gives you the opportunity to expand your access to eLearning leaders. You'll have the opportunity to register for OLC professional development workshops... Read More>

OLC Member Publications

OLC Individual and Institutional Members may include their book or publication on this page to share with the OLC community. Members also have an option to promote their book or other publication in the OLC View eNewsletter for a fee. If you are a current member and wish to add... Read More>

OLC Member Resources Page

OLC MEMBER RESOURCES PAGE Welcome to the Member Resources page. This section is a convenient place for members to gain access to all of the many benefits provided for our members. You must be logged in to your OLC member account to use your benefits. For OLC Institutional Members, remember that all associates at... Read More>

The Seven Futures of American Education: Improving Learning & Teaching in a Screen-Captured World

Author: John Sener   American education is entering the age of cybersymbiosis -- irretrievably dependent on digital technologies. Cyberized culture is accelerating foundational shifts at the core of education -- redefining knowledge, redistributing access, and renegotiating authority -- while education's growing importance is changing expectations about its performance. This combination offers a spectacular... Read More>

Instructional Designer Webinar Series

Join Acrobatiq, EdSurge, Intentional Futures and OLC as we explore the role of the instructional designer and how their role has evolved in higher education. Designed to further explore the recent report, Instructional Design in Higher Education, each webinar will feature a panel of experts on the given topic.  Click on the... Read More>

A Little Online Learning Is a Good Thing

Did you ever wonder if 100 percent old-school, campus-based, face-to-face learning might be better for all students? Or that maybe online learning should only be available to certain kinds of students? Maybe online learning is actually slowing students down on their journey to completion… and maybe it penalizes at-risk students... Read More>

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