Thinking Outside of the Virtual Walls: Creating Contextualized Activities to Enhance Online Learning

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Brief Abstract

How can we bring subject matter to life online? In this session, we will bust through the myth that content equals learning and discover strategies to enhance digital classroom activities through contextualization. Large and small group discussions will allow us to explore how contextualized learning works across different disciplines.



Wendi Iacobello is an Instructional Designer with the Office of Digital Learning at The University of Oklahoma. She works behind-the-scenes with faculty who are transforming their in-person masters degree courses to a fully online masters program. She enjoys watching faculty’s vision for their courses come to life through their collaborative efforts and even loves the tediousness of editing and formatting. She is a graduate of Appalachian State University with a Master of Arts in Educational Media with a concentration in Online Learning & Professional Development. In addition, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Mount Olive. Wendi has over a decade of professional experience in North Carolina's public education sector. She has worked in a variety of contexts, ranging from working with adults with disabilities to incarcerated learners, at-risk populations, and community college students.

Extended Abstract

As educators, we know that having engaging course content is crucial for motivating and engaging adult learners. However, we don't always know how to make this happen, particularly in online and hybrid environments. How can we bring subject matter to life in an online course?

In this session, we will:

  • Bust through the myth that content equals learning and discover strategies to enhance digital classroom activities through contextualization.

  • Engage in large and small group discussions, which will form a collaborative think tank to explore how contextualized learning works across different disciplines.

Contextualized learning encourages students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios. It also equips students to find connections between the subject matter and personal experiences, making concepts more meaningful and relevant, which assists them in advancing their knowledge base. This session will inspire you to re-design normative learning activities by turning them into assignments that are practical, engaging, and ultimately more meaningful for your students.