Relationship-Centered Instructional Design: Strategies for Authentic Collaboration with Faculty

Concurrent Session 9

Brief Abstract

Instructional designers are often misperceived as technology support, which can make it challenging to advocate for their value as experts in pedagogy and learning design. This master class focuses on laying the contextual, theoretical, and practical foundations for shifting your approach to instructional design from one focused on product, process, or technical support to one of collaboration, authenticity, and relationships.


Dylan Barth is the Assistant Vice President (AVP) of Learning and a Co-Director of the Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL) at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Dylan provides strategic vision and oversight for professional development, research and publications, and the Quality Scorecard Suite at OLC. He has 20+ years of experience teaching in higher education and 12+ years working in faculty and instructional development. Dylan holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with an emphasis on masculinities in contemporary post-apocalyptic fiction.

Extended Abstract

Instructional designers in higher education collaborate with faculty in the creation of courses and curricula. Their roles are often misperceived: instructional designers are seen as technology support specialists, course developers, trainers, visual designers, and a host of other roles or titles. This misperception can make it challenging to advocate for their value as experts in pedagogy and learning design, as well as to collaborate with faculty as equals with a shared investment in the learning and well-being of our students.

In this master class, you will learn how to put relationships at the center of design rather than product or process by integrating the Collaborative Mapping Model (CMM) into your design practice. We will explore the theoretical and practical influences on the concept of relationship-centered instructional design and the CMM - a flexible framework for collaborating with faculty - and strategies for building shared investment and professional advocacy in your work as a higher education instructional designer. The workshop culminates in a practical application: developing a collaborative course map, then reflecting on the ways you can use the strategies to positively influence the practice and perception of instructional design at your institution.

Learning Objectives

  • Collaborate authentically with faculty in course design, giving voice and value to both IDs and faculty through the use of the Collaborative Mapping Model
  • Advocate for the role and value of instructional designers in higher education in one’s immediate context and in the profession at large
  • Promote a culture of trust and authenticity through the practice of relationship-centered design

Key Takeaways

  • An overview of leadership, learning, and change management theories influential on the model and ID practice
  • Collaborating with peers to overcome challenges and discover solutions for common obstacles in higher education instructional design
  • Creation of collaborative course maps through a variety of free instructional tools