Going Viral: Leveraging Social Media to Engage Your Students

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Brief Abstract

For digital natives, social media is an integral part of everyday life – even when they’re preparing for a test. During this session, we’ll discuss how to make social media one of your most valuable tools for communicating with test-takers, ensuring exam integrity, managing your institutional brand, and mitigating online crises.

Extended Abstract

For your students, using social media to connect, communicate, learn, or simply express and entertain themselves is more than second nature – it’s an integral part of their day-to-day lives. Institutions and their administrators can learn to use social media as one of their most valuable tools for preparing students for exams, gaining their feedback, ensuring test security and integrity, and managing their institutional brands.

Join us to learn which social platforms to apply to each of your different audiences, how to use those platforms for “social listening,” and what tools and metrics are the best measures of success for your testing program. During this chat you can also share your own best practices in managing crises and leveraging social media for your online test-takers, while learning how other administrators have overcome their own unique institutional testing challenges.