Evaluation of Distance Education Program in Business Administration in a Puerto Rican Higher Education Institution

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Brief Abstract

The effect of the pandemic has put the evaluation into the agenda in a higher education scenario. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of an online Business Program in Puerto Rico, using the CIPP Model. Data analysis identified program strengths and opportunities, curricular potentiality, and student loyalty indicators. Evaluation is crucial to disseminate information for accreditation and accountability purposes in the context of e-learning. Evaluation matters.

Extended Abstract

The pandemic accelerated the process that has already led Business Schools to develop effective tools for e-learning. The increase in the number of distance education programs has put the evaluation into the agenda in a higher education scenario. The use of Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model to evaluate online programs offers a holistic view for decision making  to improve program effectiveness or plan for the future of a program. Frequent evaluations are imperative to determine program strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and quality performance indicators for accountability purposes. Also, the efficiency of student services and the design and curriculum effectiveness are aspects that require deep appraisal.  

The agenda for the session is as follows:

  1. Introduction - What’s to expect?
  2. Research Scope and Purpose – Evaluation Matters?
  3. Stufflebeam’s Mixed CIPP Model
    1. Findings
    2. The strategy platform   
    3. Interpretation in the context of distance learning
  4. Conclusions
    1. The institution
    2. The market
    3. The industry

This study works as an example for future research studies focused on systematic evaluation, quality education or academic accreditation topics related to online programs. The research presentation validates the importance of creating an evaluation culture that promotes the continuous improvement approach. Also, it offers awareness of marketing opportunities that could reinforce the institution's recruitment strategy in a Post-COVID world in the context of e-learning.