Using 360-Degree Video Vignettes in VR to Support the Development of Quality Management Competencies

Concurrent Session 4

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

Join us as we share practical outcomes of a research study that explored how 360-degree video vignettes in an immersive virtual reality environment can be used to help graduate MBA students apply quality management competencies to real-world situations such as chair assembly, strategic planning, and quality and customer care meetings.


Dr. Steve Kramer is an Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at the Huizenga College at Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale. He is an active member of the college's Online Committee and a self-proclaimed geek, always on the bleeding edge of classroom innovations. He is the lead professor for the HCBE Process Improvement MBA Concentration and is the cognizant professor for undergraduate Operations Management. He holds Bachelor and Master of Science in Industrial Engineering degrees and a Ph.D. in Business and Management. Professor Kramer was certified by the American Society of Quality (ASQ) as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and has facilitated and mentored > 200 lean/six sigma process improvement projects. He has applied process planning and improvement techniques in a variety of environments via his active consulting in areas including healthcare, engineering, manufacturing, government operations, financial services and education. He has published in and about process management issues and applications eclectically in Journal of Dental Education, Electronic Journal of Business Ethics & Organizational Studies, International Journal of Applied Decision Science, International Journal of Production Research, Operations Research Letters and to the Darden School Case Collection. Prior to entering academia Professor Kramer worked in aerospace/defense for 20 years, with his most recent position Sector Integration and Process Improvements Manager.
Marti Snyder is an associate professor in the Department of Information Systems and Cybersecurity in the College of Engineering at Nova Southeastern University. Marti teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in learning design and technology, design thinking, project management, and computing privacy and ethics. She also chairs doctoral student dissertations. Marti researches effective designs for teaching and learning in blended, online, mobile, and virtual learning environments; socially conscious design; and issues relating to technology use among older adults. Her work crosses multiple disciplines including education, engineering, information systems, and health professions. Marti has published articles in national and international journals and is an active reviewer for journals and conferences in her field. Her current research focuses on use of remote monitoring technologies by informal caregivers as well as effective instructional designs for blended learning, simulations, and mixed-reality. For more information visit:

Extended Abstract

Over the last decade, the use of VR as an educational tool has increased. This is, in part, due to the affordability of head-mounted displays (HMDs) that make VR broadly available to the general public (Makransky, Borre-Gude, & Mayer, 2019). This increase also reflects the demands of our Millennial and Generation Z students who expect their college experiences to integrate advanced learning technologies (Schwieger & Ladwig, 2018). It is important not only for higher education stakeholders to understand the technical affordances of VR but also the pedagogical affordances and implementation workflow.  

As a way to provide authentic and experiential learning during the pandemic, we created and incorporated 360-degree videos on topics including chair assembly and quality management and strategy meetings into an eight-week, master’s, quality management course.  Some students participated in class and others participated remotely/online. Students both remote and on campus, watched these videos in immersive VR using Oculus Quest headsets. The professor met the class (both on-campus and remote students) within the VR environment to guide them through what they were watching and how to apply the tools and techniques learned in class to these real-world situations (e.g., using a checklist to identify waste in chair assembly). This presentation aligns with this year’s theme, “Reflecting Onward: Evidence for a Changed World” because it illustrates how the pandemic sparked creativity and innovation, which resulted in a unique way to engage and connect on-campus and online students using technology.

The purpose of this session is to share the preliminary results of a design-based research (Wang & Hannifin, 2005) study that explored how to integrate 360-degree video vignettes within a VR environment as a way to teach quality management competencies. Research questions included: 1) What is the process workflow for integrating 360-degree video vignettes within a IVR environment in higher education? 2) How can 360-degree video vignettes presented within an IVR environment be used to facilitate the development of quality management competencies? 3) What are the learning affordances of this technology?

Quantitative survey data and qualitative interview data were collected and analyzed. Preliminary themes pertaining to workflow, instructional design, usability and cognitive and affective outcomes will be discussed. We will also share the practical aspects related to how we implemented the project and what we learned from that experience. Questions such as What equipment is needed to create my own 360-degree videos? How much will it cost? How do I integrate the videos in an intentional way to support the course content and learning outcomes? What needs to be considered regarding the storing, cleaning, and check-in/check-out process? How do I facilitate learning within the VR environment? What’s the student’s experience (good and bad)? What technical support do I need? What administrative support should I seek? What types of faculty develop programs are needed to support IVR adoption? And more. We will show examples of the 360-degree videos and how we used them in the course.

We are excited to engage the audience by using some common design thinking practices including brainstorming and rapid ideation to identify ways VR and 360-degree videos could be used in various disciplines.

Attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of what 360-degree videos are and how they can be incorporated into an immersive VR environment as well as what needs to be considered for implementation such as equipment, workflow and instructional design.


Makransky, G., Borre-Gude, S. & Mayer, R. (2019). Motivational and cognitive benefits of training in immersive virtual reality based on multiple assessments. Journal of Computer and Assisted Learning, 1-17. Doi: 10.1111/jcal.12375.

Schwieger, D. & Ladwig. C. (2018). Reaching and retaining the next generation: Adaption to the expectations of Gen Z in the classroom. Information Systems Education Journal, 16(3), 45-54.

Wang, F. & Hannafin, M.J. (2005). Design-based research and technology-enhanced learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 5-23.