The ENHANCE Learning Model: Where a Learning Framework and Technology Meet in an Online Environment

Concurrent Session 5

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

In this session participants will be introduced to the ENHANCE Learning Model which provides a conceptual framework for learner engagement.  The participants will be introduced to the instructional dynamics involved in the ENHANCE Learning Model and provided opportunities to incorporate technological tools to enhance the learning experience. 


Dr. Morris Thomas is responsible for providing visionary, strategic, and operational leadership to CETLA by developing and implementing learning-centered professional development initiatives that ultimately foster dynamic learning environments and experiences. He has an extensive background in facilitating learning across modalities (face-to-face, hybrid-blended, and online). Dr. Thomas employs Quality Matters, a nationally recognized, peer-review process used to ensure the quality of online and blended course design. He holds several Quality Matters certifications, including Master Reviewer, Peer-Reviewer and Quality Matters Coordinator. He is also certified to facilitate the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric workshop face-to-face and online. He is also a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and certified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Dr. Thomas is an established scholar, his research focuses on instructional dynamics which encompass instructional domains, design and delivery. He has developed a conceptual framework called the E.N.H.A.N.C.E. Learning Model. This conceptual framework provides seven strategies to inform intentional course design and delivery. He is the author of a book titled, Focus: The Missing Factor; A Practical Guide to Accomplishing Your Goals. Dr. Thomas serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of African American Males in Education, the American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, and as reviewer for the International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments. He is a frequent presenter at conferences and for webinars. Dr. Thomas received his Ph.D. in higher education administration from Morgan State University, a M.A. in educational policy and leadership from The Ohio State University, a M.S. in instructional technology management from LaSalle University, a M.M. in classical vocal performance from New Jersey City University and a B.A. in music from Fisk University. He has completed post graduate studies at Cornell University and Georgetown University in project management and holds the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification with the Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI). He has also completed the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate from the University of South Florida Muma College of Business.

Extended Abstract

It is essentially impossible to engage students in learning environments without utilizing technological tools. As it pertains to teaching and learning in higher education there is a need to increase rapid exchange and involve momentous discussions that facilitates higher order learning, this is particularly true when considering online learning environments. Moreover, well-designed learning environments are considered more meaningful learning experiences than exclusively lecture-based direct instruction. Therefore, in higher education teaching with technology should be given adequate consideration to better serve the students’ cognitive needs.  In addition to the aforementioned, designing learning experiences benefit from evidence based       an researched best practices. Thus, the presenters will employ the ENHANCE Learning Model (ELM). This model provides a construct that makes incorporating technology tools meaningful as opposed to merely using technology for technology's sake.

The ENHANCE learning model provides seven strategies to inform intentional course design and delivery.  In this session participants will be introduced to several instructional technological tools. These tools will be coupled with instructional strategies included in the ENHANCE Learning Model (ELM). Each letter in the ELM represents a term (Engage Navigate Highlight Assessment Network Connect Edutain) to create a dynamic acronym that encourages thoughtful preparation in designing and delivering a course conducive for learning.

  • Engage – This strategy provides an opportunity for the learners to become involved in the learning process. This strategy is grounded in Andragogy and discusses the three levels of engagement (learner-learner, learner-content, and learner-instructor).
  • Navigate – This strategy focuses on designing a course in an orderly manner. The instructions and direction of the course should be easy to follow, allowing learners to navigate the learning experience.
  • Highlight – This strategy focuses providing the learners with the essential course content that will best support the learning objectives. Highlighting is related to navigate with an emphasis on what the learner needs to know to be successful in the course and which includes acknowledgment of what will not be covered.
  • Assessment - Assessing student learning is essential to gauging the learners’ performance in a course. This component of a course should frequently occur, providing both formal and informal assessment opportunities. These assessments will include formative and summative assessments.
  • Network - This strategy provides the learners with an opportunity to get to know their peers. The relationships that are built into these settings can be lasting but also positively affect the learning that occurs.
  • Connect – The connect strategy is synonymous with the network strategy, but this model emphasizes how the instructor connects to the learners. Learners are more likely to maximize their learning experiences when they perceive a deeper connection to their instructors.
  • Edutain - Edutain is a term that combines the meaning of two common words: educate and entertain. This term is sometimes used in the educational arena to include learning environments that are both educational and entertaining.

A primary focus of the ELM’s development involved the connection between the learners’ emotional and cognitive aspects needed to positively affect the learning environment and the learners’ experience.  Educators are now embracing a variety of instructional strategies that attempt to capture the mind and hearts of learners in ways that had not been considered. Addressing challenges relating to educating, mentoring, and retaining students has been at the forefront of the discussion for educators in postsecondary education. Resolving this problem means finding solutions that engages students to commit to the learning process.


The tools presented in this session are appropriate for any instructional modality (i.e. face-to-face, hybrid-blended and/or online), however, the emphasis will be placed on online learning.  Participants will leave this interactive session with the information needed to immediately incorporate the technology tools and instructional best practices into their courses. 


This session will focus on leveraging a learning framework and instructional technology to enhance the online learning experience. Thus, the presenters will leverage technology and simultaneously employ the ENHANCE Learning Model to engage the participants. Using technology and modeling the instructional strategies for the participants will create an experiential learning environment allowing participants to apply the content presented during the session. The presenters will use two instructional technology tools during the session to engage the audience (Kahoot & NearPod).  Kahoot is a game-based learning platform.  This tool allows instructors to administer quizzes, discussions or surveys. It is an instructional response technological tool played by the whole class in real time. Questionnaires such as Multiple-choice questions can be projected on the screen allowing students to answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet or computers. Nearpod is a web-based engagement platform where instructors can create interactive course content for classroom instruction.  An instructor can create presentations that can contain quizzes, polls, videos, images, drawing-boards, web content and collaboration tools.


In addition to engaging the audience using the technology tools for teaching, the presenter’s will also employ the Think-Pair-Share technique to engage the audience.  Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve problems, reflect or answer questions. TPS will allow a time to reflect on the learning experience and how they might continue to use these tools in their respective courses.

It is common when designing online learning experiences to only consider the technological tools used in the course without thoroughly aligning these tools with appropriate instructional strategies. Therefore, this session will provide participants with the opportunity to explore intentional course design and delivery considering a learning framework, its strategies and technological tools that enhance the online learning experience. The ENHANCE Learning Model provides a conceptual framework grounded in research and best practices as it pertains to teaching and learning that have benefited a growing number of teaching and learning professionals.  The technological tools for instruction that will be presented might be new to some participants and provide a refresher or enhancement for others. Nevertheless, what will make this session more dynamic is coupling the technology tools for teaching with best practices for instruction and the learning experience.