Leveraging Digital Momentum from COVID Systemwide

Concurrent Session 9

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

Learn how we have moved from the development of emergency asynchronous curriculum materials to a fully synchronous K-12 online program and our next steps for expanding resources to support niche district programs for both online and in-person learning.



I am a 29 year educator with a passion for instructional design, technology integration and developing good teachers into great teachers! My background includes middle school STEM teaching, curriculum development, and currently serve as the administrator for Online Learning for my district of 60,000+ students.

Extended Abstract

Come hear about how we leveraged our distance learning response that was necessitated by COVID-19 to launch a multi-purpose, future-ready teaching and learning initiative for our district that serves 60,000 students and 3,500 teachers. Grade level development teams comprised of teachers, technology specialists and curriculum specialists collaborated to design, refine and implement evidence-based asynchronous instructional materials shared across a common LMS.  

In 2021 we expanded this repository of technology-integrated lessons and resources  to create fully synchronous online opportunities K-12 as well as offerings of self-paced, hybrid or in-person learning with curriculum supports for all teachers and modalities. 

Our next iteration expands the project to provide additional support for a wide variety of niche programs which have frequently lacked all the same resources as a typical school.  Targeted programs for future inclusion include student services such as Youth in Care/Custody, Home Hospital (growing population with mental health needs), Safe School, Refugee etc… as well as teacher mentoring/support programs with provisional or alternative licensure teachers.  These high quality resources implement evidence-based instructional practices that can be used fully online as well as supplemental to in-person instruction increasing effective options in the MTSS process. 

We will share our design and implementation process including project management, talent development, common instructional design expectations, professional learning, coaching and ongoing revisions.  

Level of Participation

In this Discovery session, participants can ask targeted questions about our process, tools, staffing, obstacles, successes and next steps.  We are excited to share what is working well and what changes to our process we are implementing to improve future iterations. 

Session Goals

  • Share the background of the district including strengths and challenges we have faced in terms of curriculum and technology integration

  • Describe the most important elements of project design and management that we used to build a districtwide K-12 repository of curriculum and technology resources during the pandemic

  • Describe our next steps in leveraging what we have created to support the needs of students and teachers participating in both the K-12 online school and our schools face to face