"Anytime" Asynchronous Engagement

Streamed Session

Brief Abstract

Not sure what to do between sessions? Consider checking out OLC Accelerate's fully virtual and asynchronous engagement space. Each of the volunteer-driven engagement teams have prepared and carefully designed fun, engaging, and thought-provoking activities for you to take up on your own time. If nothing else, it is a great place to get new ideas for how to engage with others and build community. Plus, you'll get to learn more about OLC Accelerate's 2022 Engagement Team (a group of dedicated volunteers from across the field who designed this year's engagement programming). Looking for the join link? Just visit any of the engagement team pages in Engagez (e.g. Speed Networking Lounge, Field Guides, OLC Live!, Technology Test Kitchen, OLC Cafe & Mercantile, OLC Sanctuary, Escape Room, Innovation Crews, and more!).


Cody House serves as the Director of Online Learning and Instructional Technology with the College of Professional Studies at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Since joining the GW community he has spent his time constantly pushing to implement new and emerging technologies within the College of Professional Studies.
Dr. Williams works as an Online Instructional Specialist with responsibility for online faculty development at the UWI, Open Campus. She has been involved in Higher Education for 13 years and served over the last 10 years in online education in roles including Programme Coordinator, Curriculum Development Specialist, Instructional Design and Administrator with the Open Campus. Dr. Williams' research interests include faculty development strategies, literacy for development and emerging trends in virtual education and accessibility. Previous speaking engagements include conferences sponsored by the Online Learning Consortium, EDUCAUSE, Regional Best Practice for The University of the West Indies and The Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning.

Extended Abstract