Beyond Design: Supporting Faculty with Online Teaching Principles


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Brief Abstract

Oregon State Ecampus has developed research-based Online Teaching Principles to extend faculty support beyond course design & has made them available through a Creative Commons license. This session will tell the story of how the principles came to be and will help participants consider how they might be used at their home institutions. 


Shannon Riggs serves as Executive Director of Course Development and Learning Innovation for Oregon State University Ecampus. In this role, she supports Oregon State’s land grant mission by providing leadership and direction for course development and learning innovation throughout the division. She directly oversees several units, including the Ecampus Course Development and Training Team, the Ecampus Research Unit, and Ecampus Open Educational Resources. Since coming to Extended Campus in 2011, Riggs has served as an instructional designer, as director of the Ecampus course development and training unit, and on the University’s Faculty Senate and several of its subcommittees. Active nationally in the field of online and continuing education, Riggs regularly presents at conferences and has written for publication about online course development, faculty development, leadership, and innovation. She is currently serving a three-year elected position for the Quality Matters Instructional Design Association leadership team and a three-year elected position for the WCET Steering Committee. Riggs is also a contributor to High Impact Practices in Online Education (Stylus, 2018) and The Business of Innovation (Stylus, 2018), and is the author of Thrive Online: A New Approach for College Educators (forthcoming in 2019 from Stylus Publishing).

Extended Abstract

Faculty support staff at Oregon State University Ecampus found that while they had the tools needed to depict quality course design, they also needed a resource that could paint a picture of what quality online teaching looks like. Recognizing the need for faculty support and development extended beyond course design, Ecampus staff developed research-based Online Teaching Principles to help online educators take a well-designed course and facilitate it successfully. 

This interactive session will cover the principles themselves, how they were developed, how they might be used at Oregon State Ecampus--and, because they have been made available with a Creative Commons license--how they might be used at your institution, as well. Oregon State's Online Teaching Principles can be used in faculty development for online and blended courses, such as in training faculty new to online education and with experienced online educators who wish to reflect on their teaching practices; additionally, they can serve as a foundation for online teaching evaluations and peer reviews of online teaching. 

Presenters will weave opportunities for audience engagement throughout the session with polls and guided chat participation, asking audience questions regarding guiding standards and principles already in use, about how they distinguish between online course design and facilitation, and for reflections and sharing about how individual Online Teaching Principles might be carried out at the participants' home institutions, and how the Principles as a whole might be used in the management of online programs.