Designing, Implementing, and scaling an Online Course Quality Review & Refresh Process with OSCQR

Concurrent Session 4

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

This workshop is intended to assist institutional leaders develop an implementation plan for online course quality review and refresh using OSCQR, OLC’s online course quality scorecard. You will be provided with the tools and information to plan an institution-level initiative to systematically improve the instructional design and accessibility of online courses and programs.


Extended Abstract

In this workshop, institutional leaders will be provided with all the information and tools necessary to create an implementation plan for their larger-scale online course/program quality initiative. Campus leaders will be guided in the creation of an implementation plan to systematically review and refresh the instructional design and accessibility of online courses and programs. Workshop participants will leave with an implementation plan template and all the information, resources, and understanding necessary to tailor it to their institutional context, and the scope and scale of their online quality initiative. Access to the tools and resources needed to implement their project are provided, and best practices in implementing a larger scale online course quality review and refresh initiative will be reviewed and discussed.

This workshop is designed to address 3 key objectives:

  1. Provide an overview and orientation to an implementation planning framework that can be customized and used to develop a comprehensive institutional, or program level online quality assurance implementation plan. 
  2. Provide an opportunity to think about and discuss individual institutional contexts. Key questions will include: What model of course review will work best for the scope, scale, and context of your initiative? What is your timeline? Who are your stakeholders? What policies and institutional organizational structures, or procedures have to be considered for any aspect of your initiative?
  3. Provide access to and overview of the OSCQR tools and resources that can be used to implement and track larger-scale online course quality initiatives. These include the OSCQR dashboard, the OSCQR rubric, and the OSCQR resource site.

Workshop participants will:

  • Receive an implementation plan template to create their own individualized plan.
  • Gain access to OSCQR online interactive rubric for use in team reviews.
  • Gain access to OSCQR online dashboard to manage larger scale online course quality review initiatives.
  • Receive an overview and orientation to the tools, resources, process, and best practices for creating a larger scale online quality review and refresh initiative.

Participants will earn the Designing an OSCQR Implementation Plan badge. This workshop assumes a familiarity with online course reviews, and/or OSCQR, and is not intended to dive deeply into OSCQR standards, how to use OSCQR, or how conduct online course quality reviews. This workshop is intended for institutional leaders at campus and program levels, to assist them with strategies to build, scale and improve their online course- or program-level quality, and will complement the efforts of those beginning their institutional Quality Review journey.