Benefits and Challenges of Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Online Course

Concurrent Session 1

Brief Abstract

Evidence demonstrates improved educational outcomes when students engage with each other in the educational process (collaborative learning). While asynchronous learning makes this challenging, it does not rule out the possibility. In this session, we review the benefits and perils of online team-based activities, offer measurable learning outcomes, and share student insights. 

Extended Abstract

Creating significant team learning experiences online can seem daunting, even for experienced instructors. However, implementing meaningful team projects online takes planning and attention to detail. Is it worth the trouble? 

Much evidence has been produced demonstrating improved short- and long- term educational outcomes when students are engaged in the educational process, and particularly when they are engaged with each other (usually referred to as collaborative learning). Collaborative learning has frequently been suggested as a way of helping disadvantaged students bridge the achievement gap as all of the usual advantages of active and collaborative learning (its more hands-on nature, focus on problem solving and critical thinking, etc.) are seen as particularly important to this group.  While asynchronous learning may make collaborative learning more challenging, it does not rule out the possibility. 

Join the lively team interaction of two seasoned online instructors who thrive on teamwork as they develop their team-based online activities and collaborate on delivery. In this session, they will review the benefits and perils of online team-based activities, offer reliable measurable learning outcomes, and share insights from their students.