OLC Live! Beyond The Keynote

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Brief Abstract

Join OLC Live hosts Jenae Cohn and Ben Scragg for a rich post-keynote discussion focused on open learning trends, strategies, and collaborative efforts. This session will feature shared insights and highlights from conference attendees related to Rajiv Jhangiani’s conference keynote. Join us to illuminate and activate Rajiv’s provocative talk, and to explore ways to bring his words to life in your teaching and learning environment.


Jenae Cohn writes and speaks about how to support engagement, communication, and critical thinking in digital learning experiences. She currently works as the Director of Academic Technology at California State University, Sacramento and has held prior roles at Stanford University and University of California, Davis. She is the author of the book, Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading (West Virginia University Press, 2021), and contributes to The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, and Faculty Focus. Supporting instructors in mindful approaches to digital pedagogy, she leads workshops and events for colleges nationwide. As a researcher, she explores digital literacy, student experiences with online learning, and reading and writing across the curriculum. Learn more at jenaecohn.net or on Twitter @jenae_cohn.

Extended Abstract