2021: A Place Odyssey

Concurrent Session 2
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Brief Abstract

Voyage to the place where your whole academic team can access essential resources and information. Discover how colleges and universities can share teaching resources, provide professional development, staff courses, view assessments and workload reports on one platform. Explore APL nextED, the only comprehensive, integrated, flexible and affordable academic operations platform.

Extended Abstract

What if there was a place where faculty, staff and administrators could connect and collaborate no matter where they were physically situated? What if there was a place where academic teams could share teaching resources, provide professional development courses, and view important notifications and announcements?

What if there was place where workflows for processes like course staffing, contracting, workload management, and assessment reporting could be accessed by all the stakeholders involved in the activity?

What if faculty, staff and administrators could find, view, manage, report and share all of the information related to their work at an institution?

The quest has ended! Join us for a visit to the place where your whole academic team can work together! Voyage to a place where everyone has access to the resources and information they need to do their part in providing amazing learning experiences!

Come aboard and join us on a journey into APL nextED, the first and only, comprehensive, integrated, flexible and affordable academic operations platform.