It Takes a Circle - Professional Development Journeys into Teaching Improvement

Concurrent Session 3

Brief Abstract

Meet faculty who have participated in an online, asynchronous, community of practice. Hear their teaching improvement stories and how evidence-based practices have rocked their teaching world. Leave with a plan to try a new evidence-based instructional practice or two in your next class!


Extended Abstract

We are excited to have you join our session! We will explore how an asynchronous, online, facilitated community of practice has assisted facilitators and participants in implementing effective teaching strategies, incorporating evidence-based instructional methods, and learning from and with colleagues collaboratively to improve the teaching and learning process.

This impactful model uses a reflective practice that includes planning, implementing, and reflecting on modifications through self-reflection and community input. To further aid the community of practice, educators utilize an evidence-based teaching framework to provide a common language and lens to examine and discuss instruction. In concert with a circle of peers, this Plan-Do-Reflect model leads to teaching enhancement, a diverse network of colleagues, and an engaging way of exploring teaching methods.

Learn how Florida State College at Jacksonville faculty members embraced the reflective model as a campus-wide effort to improve teaching methods. Faculty will also examine how participating in this model contributed to the college reaching its goals of increased student engagement, learning outcomes, completion rates, and overall success.

We look forward to meeting you!