How Many Can You Earn? Digital Badges for Math!

Concurrent Session 1
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Brief Abstract

For many students, the idea of learning math online is anxiety-filled, daunting and often insurmountable.  Given that, what could be done in an online math course to instead calm, motivate and possibly even excite those students?  Accelerate with us to see if YOU can win a BADGE!


Kirsten K. Meymaris is a faculty member at Purdue University Global, Mathematics Department, with over 18 years of experience in online education. Kirsten has experience in a diversity of roles in online education including developing course content; managing and maintaining online course software; and direct facilitation of online courses. She joined the PG team as an adjunct faculty member in 2009 and became full time in 2014, having taught almost every class offered in the math department. Kirsten has degrees in both mathematics and computer science with an emphasis in educational technology.

Extended Abstract

For many students, the idea of learning math online is not only anxiety-filled but daunting and often insurmountable.  Given that, what could be done in an online math course to instead calm, motivate and possibly even excite those students?  There is a growing body of research to suggest that digital badges have added benefits to the world of online education (Roy et al, 2019).  Following the trend and recommendations, digital badges were implemented in two high enrollment courses at Purdue University Global.  

This education session will share preliminary findings from a 6-month pilot project of using digital badges engagement and motivation tools in beginning level math courses for non-math majors.  Observations will be shared identifying

  1. The education benefit that they provided,

  2. Challenges and suggestions for digital badge use, and

  3. Future directions for implementation.

Participants will leave this session with a broad understanding of different types of micro-credentially, current research explaining possibilities of digital badging, and practical strategies for employing them in their own online courses.  

Roy, S., Clark, D. (2019).  Digital Badges, Do They Live up to the Hype? British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 50, No 5, p2619–2636.

Carey, K., Stefaniak, J.E. (2018). An exploration of the utility of digital badging in higher education settings. Educational Technology Research & Development. Vol 66, No 5, p1211-1229