Join An Innovation Crew!

Streamed Session

Brief Abstract

Innovation Crews are flexible communities convened around shared community interests before and during a conference experience. Facilitated by a “Crew Leader”, they provide a space for colleagues to connect, converse, support each other, and be part of a smaller group within the larger conference. Select a group that aligns with your interests and join a cohort of colleagues dedicated to both navigating OLC Accelerate together and co-constructing a meaningful learning experience. We’ll be facilitating Crews around the following six interest areas this year: Instructional Designers; Allies (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion); Immersive and Simulated Learning; Gameful Learning; Weavers of Several Interests Not sure which Crew is the best fit for you? Spend some time reviewing the descriptions to learn more about each of these unique Crews.


Dr. Dan Keast is the Lois & Louis Rochester Professor of Music at The University of Texas Permian Basin. He is a pioneer of online teaching who presents research and innovations to a variety of disciplines across higher education. He has 30 publications in addition to digital creations in Apple App Store, Second Life, and Magna Publications. Dan links his research and teaching as he continually adapts his courses and constructivist teaching methods to new media, student needs, and innovative pedagogy. Keast won the Texas Distance Learning Association’s Outstanding Commitment to Excellence and Innovation in Distance Learning Award in 2021 and has twice received Odessa Arts’ 'Mark Tenniswood Award' for volunteerism. He holds a Teaching Online Certificate and Master Reviewer status with Quality Matters, as well as an Online Teaching Certificate and a graduate of the Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning with the Online Learning Consortium. Dan is the Arts Stream Editor for the International Journal of Innovations in Online Education.

Extended Abstract