Advancing DEI and Creating Inclusive Environments in the Online Space

Concurrent Session 3

Brief Abstract

In this session Walden university will share its experiences and insights as it implements a robust Inclusive Teaching and Learning strategic plan which builds upon an integrated learning model and university-wide commitments to inclusive classroom design, person-centered faculty-student learning relationships, and the measurement and assessment of inclusion and equity efforts.

Extended Abstract

In this session Walden university will share its experiences and insights as it implements a robust Inclusive Teaching and Learning (ITL) strategic plan which builds upon an integrated learning model and university-wide commitments to inclusive classroom design, person-centered faculty-student learning relationships, and the measurement and assessment of inclusion and equity efforts.

Walden university has been engaged in a multi-year effort to implement a robust and integrative online Inclusive Teaching and Learning strategy, within the university’s larger DEI and university strategic plan.  In the Fall of 2022 Walden expects to publish a book, Advancing DEI and Creating Inclusive Environments in the Online Space, which shares details of Walden’s ITL strategy, and which we would like to share a preview of our work during the OLC conference to stimulate conversation and discussions about what we’ve learned during this process.

This book begins to fill gaps in research relating how DEI strategies are different from and unique to the online teaching and learning experience, especially important as higher education will continue to rely on increased distance learning after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Topics that are addressed in the book, and that we’ll be prepared to speak to, in terms of both process and content, during our OLC session include:

Living Theory to Support Inclusive Teaching and Learning (ITL)

Developing a Learning Model for Caring, Inclusion & Social Change in an Online Environment

Digital Appreciative Inquiry for Inclusion

Using an Emotional Intelligence Learning System for Person-Centered Curriculum Development & Teaching

Making the Space to Deliver ITL

Online Spaces as Inclusive Environments

Designing an Inclusive Online Classroom

Putting ITL Into Practice

Designing an Inclusive Online Classroom: Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into a Nurse Practitioner Program

Strategies for Doctoral Student Readiness, Student-Centered Support, and Inclusion

The Students We Have: Compassionate Grading in Online Courses

The SPII Hub and Promoting Online Engagement

Measuring ITL

A Framework to Measure Inclusion

Assessing Institutional Readiness: A Collaboration

A Rubric for a Person-Centered Approach to Teaching in Inclusive Online Learning

Supporting ITL With Systems of Practice

Framing Higher Education Through the Social Determinants of Health

Applying a Social Determinants of Learning Framework to ITL

Sustainable Strategic Planning for Inclusive Online Teaching and Learning

Closing Thoughts on Continuing the Journey

Equity in the Online Space? A multi-systems perspective

Inclusion and Positive Social Change in an Online University