Strategies for Retaining and Recovering Online Students

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Brief Abstract

Gain insights into the latest trends in online student success strategies. This conversation will provide an opportunity for higher education leaders to dive into the latest strategies on helping online students persist to graduation and stop-out students return to your programs at a higher rate.

Extended Abstract

Gain insights into the latest trends in online student success strategies. This conversation will provide an opportunity for higher education leaders to dive into the latest strategies on helping online students persist to graduation and stop-out students return to your programs at a higher rate.

Gain important insights to the most pressing questions facing online higher education enrollment management professionals today:

  • Understanding the best ways to help students persist
  • Re-engaging students
  • Creating an environment for students to be successful
  • Building a multi-channel communication approach
  • Your most pressing concerns and areas of interests

This session is ideal for higher education program leaders, marketers and enrollment management leaders who are seeking to expand enrollments. This session is also for college and university staff members looking to target current students, and those seeking to understand how to reach and retain students who are re-entering into higher education.

Student retention is the key to survival for many colleges and universities, simply attracting students is not enough in today’s fast-paced environment. They need to persist semester after semester until they graduate. Focusing on retention is a win-win. Boosting retention rates is good for the student. They get the credential that helps them achieve their personal and career goals. A record of persistence and retention also boosts the reputation of the program. It all starts with the right support to help students overcome their challenges and work toward their academic and personal goals.

Almost every program has them—students who pause along the path to completion for one reason or another. These stop-out students may intend to return and finish their program of study, but plans are easily derailed. They might not return unless you reach out. To re-engage learners and get them back on track, you need a well-designed stop-out campaign.

Before you start calling every student who missed the enrollment deadline, you need a strategy. An effective stop-out campaign is efficient, scalable, and focused. It reaches out only to those students who are eligible to return. And it provides them with both the information and support they need to re-enroll.