Using Learning Analytics Dashboards to Encourage Continuous Course Improvement

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Brief Abstract

Learning analytics dashboards has helped us sustain course design relationships with faculty and productively use our implementation terms. This session will offer a look at the dashboards, discuss their development and use, highlight successes of using data with course design, and share the next steps.


Justin is the Director of Learning Design at Georgia State University's Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, & Online Education (CETLOE).

Extended Abstract

In this session, we will share how our course and program design team has used learning analytics dashboards to refine design recommendations, sustain course design partnerships, and monitor the impact of design iterations on student learning outcomes. Our pilot results suggest that efforts like these can close assessment loops, improve student outcomes, promote a culture of continuous improvement, strengthen faculty and design team partnerships, and save time. To start, we’ll discuss the main problem we were trying to solve – once courses had been developed and launched, faculty gradually drifted out of our design team’s orbit. This limited our ability to make quick, targeted improvements and assess the impact of our changes. We will also share a couple of early, primarily unsuccessful, efforts to use data to inspire sustained engagement with our design teams. Then, we will discuss how teams across our organization collaborated to design, develop, and deploy assignment outcomes dashboards, sharing what they look like, how we have used them, evidence of increased faculty satisfaction and improved student outcomes, and how we intend to dovetail these efforts with our burgeoning user experience research team. We will encourage attendees to engage via quick surveys and discussion threads to ask participants to share experiences and questions throughout the presentation. 
Our simple approach could interest any professionals curious about how learning analytics, instructional design, user experience research, and assessment professionals can partner to improve student outcomes.