Addressing The Elephant In the (Dorm) Room: Demystifying Online Proctoring To Improve Student Outcomes

Concurrent Session 3

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

Is your institution prepared to manage student concerns over new academic technology in their learning environment? Join Honorlock as we discuss how to demystify online proctoring and share tactics to put your students at ease.

Extended Abstract

Students' learning environments are continuously evolving as new tools and technologies are implemented. While these tools provide innovative ways to promote learning and student success, they can also be a cause for concern and potential student backlash. Honorlock will discuss why students' perception might be negative toward new technology and share how your institution and partner support teams can help alleviate that.

We will begin with discussing why students’ develop negative perceptions with new academic tools within their learning environments. From Honorlock’s recent anxiety study with the University of Northern Alabama, we discovered that a contributing factor toward negative perception stems from student anxiety. Students are concerned with several factors:

Exam equity

We will discuss the importance of being an equity warrior and how Honorlock is continuously innovating and improving the technologies we use and strive to offer human support to students that experience any issues related to the current limitations of AI, machine identification, or video systems. Our culture, our processes and our people focus on inclusion and equity and we reflect these in our technology.

Proctor interaction

Our speakers will address how to alleviate the unknowns of proctoring and proctor interactions by reviewing how our proctors are trained and how students will interact with the tool.

Privacy and security

New academic tools can lead to heightened concerns over student privacy and security. We will review what happens with student data and discuss how we manage student videos.

After reviewing common student concerns, we will guide you through a few basic tactics to help you keep your students at ease this fall semester and beyond. With the proper information and an open dialogue with your students, you can make a huge impact on their testing experience and set them up for the best chance to succeed.

As you walk away from our session, you will have a clearer picture of:

  • The value in partnering with an equity champion
  • How to demystify online proctoring and proctor interactions
  • The importance of student privacy and data security
  • The tactics you can implement to help alleviate student anxiety

Along with thorough coverage of our research and how you can use it to better your student’s anxiety and concerns, we also want to open up the dialogue about test anxiety with attendees. We will initiate poll questions throughout the presentation that aims to have a better understanding of student anxiety at your institutions. What concerns are your students expressing? What are you doing to address those concerns?