By Our (ID) Powers Combined...

Concurrent Session 3

Brief Abstract

Instructional Designers are leaders (sometimes in disguise!). Join this workshop as we hone in on our strengths and expertise and harness them to mitigate challenges and purposefully communicate the benefits of our work. Leave refreshed, recharged, and ready to pursue a professional leadership goal.


Lynee is a senior instructional designer at CU Denver who focuses on online program design and faculty development. She has a background in academic libraries and is keen on researching and discussing the in and outs of the online learning experience. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she is happy to be in Colorado with her husband and daughter. She has an undergraduate degree in art history and graduate degrees in library science and instructional technologies.
A Colorado native and graduate of both CU-Boulder and CU-Denver, Lainie is a great believer in the benefits of combining mountain air with an excellent education. She holds a Master's degree in Information and Learning Technologies, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology. She works to foster an environment of curiosity and exploration, which lends itself well to the growing landscape of digital education. Her strengths include a flexible communication style, an energetic approach to problem-solving, and a strong belief in cooperative experiences.

Extended Abstract

Instructional Designers are often painted as jacks and jills of all trades or pedagogy and technology superheroes. The reality is that we are leaders with a very particular set of skills, partnering with faculty to design and develop effective and meaningful student learning experiences. 

While we tacitly apply our personal and professional expertise on a regular basis, most instructional designers rarely take the time to be explicit about what they bring to the table. Being able to clearly articulate our abilities and value is not only a great way to tap into our own subject matter expertise but can also help us:

  • Strengthen the case for our work

  • Define how we are positioned as leaders within an organization

  • Build better organizational structures and partnerships

  • Mentor incoming instructional design professionals

  • Align our career trajectories with our values and talents

Let’s harness the power of community, combining our wide range of perspectives, experiences, and personalities to hone in on our strengths and expertise. Together we will identify multiple options and opportunities on how to best mitigate challenges, communicate the benefits of our work, and advocate for ourselves. Come ready to discuss what professional expertise we each bring to the table, talk through ID-particular challenges, and contemplate how your individual background and personality enhances what you do. Leave refreshed, recharged, and ready to pursue a meaningful professional goal (or two).

This highly interactive and hands on session will feature round table discussion, guided goal setting and journaling, and even some movement, mindfulness, and meditation. You will leave the session with an action plan to harness your unique expertise in the advancement of your work and career.

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Communicate your expertise and the benefits of your work, as an individual and as a leader advancing the field of instructional design. 

  • Create a professional development goal focused on opportunities for leadership in your role.