Engagement as a Matter of Equity: Instructional technology That Drives Student Engagement and Inclusion

Concurrent Session 8

Brief Abstract

Instructional technologists and designers are uniquely positioned to guide their institutions in meeting their desired equity and inclusion goals. Instructors and instructional technologist will demonstrate technologies that helped improve inclusivity and engagement during the pandemic. Join us to explore pandemic-era lessons learned that can help you deliver online and hybrid courses that engage students, and create more inclusive and equitable learning experiences.


Emily Ravenwood manages several instructional support teams for the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Her instructional designers, media specialists, and student consultants help both faculty and students make the most of their instructional tools and learning spaces. Emily was teaching faculty, and a website designer on the side, for 10 years before making the career shift to instructional design and ed-tech management.

Extended Abstract

Instructional technologists and designers are positioned to help champion and guide their institutions in meeting their desired equity and inclusion goals. This session will feature instructors and instructional technology experts demonstrating how select instructional technologies helped improve inclusivity and engagement during the pandemic.

Participants will explore: 

  • how the lessons learned and adopted practices during the pandemic can continue to deliver online and hybrid courses that engage students, create inclusive and more equitable learning experiences
  • ways in which intentional inquiry, with anonymity, can create connections in online and hybrid courses that foster deeper learning and engagement