A lesson in modern pedagogy: A technology-driven shift from passive to active online learning

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Brief Abstract

Higher Education faculty and staff are using technology to create a new type of classroom. Andriena’s session will inspire the audience to re-evaluate how technology can help create impactful digital/hybrid classrooms, highlighting the types of features and tools that support accessibility, active learning, and modern pedagogical practices.


Andreina Parisi-Amon is the VP of Learning & Teaching at Engageli. She brings over 15 years of experience across academia and industry-driving innovation in education. Before joining Engageli, she spent three years in K-12 applied learning development, and five years creating and leading Coursera’s Teaching & Learning team. She has extensive experience in research, curriculum development, teaching, and building partnerships with university and industry leaders. Andreina has a Ph.D. from Stanford University and a BSc from Duke University.

Extended Abstract

The pandemic-induced shift to digital/hybrid learning in 2020 was hurried. Out of necessity, institutions and edtech companies prioritized availability and rapid integration over purpose-built, student-centered solutions. Now that higher education has nearly two years of digital/hybrid experience under its belt, faculty and staff are using technology to create a new type of classroom. Thanks to the rapid advancement in educational technology, educators can shelve the passive nature traditionally associated with online learning, and instead create an accessible, collaborative environment that prioritizes inclusivity, engagement, and student success. 


This session, targeted to higher ed admin and faculty, will be led by Andreina Parisi-Amon, Vice President of Learning & Teaching at Engageli. Andreina has over 15 years’ experience across academia and industry building partnerships, doing research, creating curriculum, teaching, and working closely with product developers to innovate in education. Andreina’s talk will inspire the audience to re-evaluate how technology can help create impactful digital/hybrid classrooms, highlighting the types of features and tools that support accessibility, active learning, and modern pedagogical practices. 


Andreina will also lay out how educators can utilize these features to maximize student success. She will discuss how to use engagement data and analytics to optimize classroom experiences; ways to leverage social and collaborative teaching techniques to foster stronger classroom connections for both students and faculty; and methods for seizing the shift to a more flexible higher ed model to make the industry more inclusive and accessible as a whole.