Evidence-based Inclusive Online Teaching Practices

Concurrent Session 1

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

A lively discussion of evidence-based strategies for creating inclusive, accessible, engaging environments where all students can achieve their academic goals. Focus includes a) structuring the online course, b) presenting learning materials, c) engaging students, and d) assessing outcomes by following UDL principles and best practices for active learning, equitable assessment, and metacognition.


Judith M Littlejohn is the Director of Online Learning at SUNY Genesee Community College in Batavia, NY, and teaches history courses online.
John Kane is a Professor of Economics, the Director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at SUNY-Oswego, and a co-host of the Tea for Teaching podcast..

Extended Abstract

Join us for a lively discussion of strategies you can implement in your online courses to create an inclusive, accessible, engaging environment in which all students can achieve their academic goals. 

Evidence-based practices we’re discussing focus on a) how to structure the online course, b) present the learning materials, c) engage your students, and d) assess learning outcome attainment by following Universal Design for Learning principles as well as best practices for active learning, equitable assessment, and metacognitive practices. Examples include:

  1. Course structure:

    1. Clearly designated course starting point

    2. Intuitive, accessible layout

    3. Repeated imagery and themes for consistency

    4. Integrating items such as, “About Module x” and “End of Module x” to provide a clear learning path

  2. Learning Materials

    1. Provide multiple means of representation of course content

    2. Implement inclusive materials created by diverse authors

    3. Include support resources for students with varied educational backgrounds

  3. Engaging Students

    1. Provide ways for students to get to know you and each other

    2. Include reflection activities for students to explore connections between the course content and their lived experiences and their future goals.

    3. Provide a diversity statement that recognizes differences as opportunities to enrich the educational environment for all learners

  4. Assessing Learning

    1. Incorporate equity-based assessments

    2. Consider alternative assessments - ungrading, labor-based grading, portfolio assessment, peer assessment

Participants will help drive the conversation by rating topics of interest in a polling app and by contributing to the conversation in a Jamboard. 

Follow-up will include ongoing participant access to the Jamboard and the presentation materials website, featuring an “idea input” section to contribute new strategies and ideas as they develop.