Pandemia en academia: Architecture for instructional excellence in the time of Covid

Concurrent Session 2
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Brief Abstract

Providing insights into three pillars of response to the shift to remote and online instruction, this session focuses briefly on institutional leadership framing the response, and then provides deeper insights into the instructional design and faculty training aspects of a key intervention supporting course deployment in the virtual space.

Extended Abstract

Extended abstract:

When a major university was suddenly closed to onsite classes in March 2020, there was a dramatic need for support in the shift to remote and online instruction.  

Emergency remote instruction is not the same as online learning. Instructional designers and subject matter experts spend at least six months to develop robust and high-quality online courses. The development stage is often followed by training, as instructional designers help new instructors transition to teaching in an online environment. 

In this pandemic, the speed at which the move to remote instruction occurred was unprecedented. How do you design an asynchronous or synchronous course in a matter of days? How do you quickly train instructors who have never taught online? How do you keep students engaged and avoid Zoom fatigue? How do you leverage the LMS and other teaching tools to create a supportive learning environment for students with limited resources?

Response on three levels - leadership, design, and intensive professional development - was critical to the high quality instructional continuity that would ensure student learning through robust programs and coursework. This session provides insights into these levels of response with a case-study style examination of a key intervention in support of this rapid transition, the development of “templates” for remote courses. Discussion of the development and deployment process will promote exchange of ideas and stimulate thinking that will support ongoing transformation in higher education. Join us as we discuss and share the lessons we learned from the emergency shift to remote instruction.

Level of Participation:

This session will explore more deeply a critical intervention at the levels of instructional design and faculty support, and engage with audience members for their experiences, insights, and ideas in these areas. Participants will participate through polls, chat, and a virtual board that will serve as a takeaway for participants. Discussion of instructional design and faculty support will follow the presentation.

Session Goals:

Individuals attending this session will be able to compare insights for shifting to remote instruction and ways to offer instructional design and faculty support. They will be able to describe the most effective strategies for student engagement in a remote setting. Lastly, they will be able to articulate the necessary considerations for developing flexible learning spaces.