Checking the Accessibility Box While Still Providing ALL Learners a Level Playing Field

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Brief Abstract

In the rush to pivot to hybrid and virtual settings, some institutions made rash decisions on accessibility tools and came up short in providing the needed features for ALL learners. ReadSpeaker offers not only the best TTS voices on the market but the best accessibility tools as well.

Extended Abstract

In the rush to pivot to hybrid and virtual settings, some institutions made rash decisions on accessibility tools and came up short in providing the needed features for ALL learners. ReadSpeaker offers not only the best TTS voices on the market but the best accessibility tools as well.

Ask yourself, can my TTS provider:

1. Provide a certified integration into all major LMS?

2. Read Math and STEM content?

3. Provide data and analytics

4. Work with Assessments?

5. Offer the most human-like, relatable voices on the market?

6. Customize voices to match local pronunciations?

7. Work with Proctoring solutions?

8. Be easily implemented and used by faculty and students?

...and most importantly, is your TTS solution available for ALL learners?

If your TTS solution is ReadSpeaker, you already know the answer is a resounding YES to all the above questions. If you are currently using a different solution, come hear how ReadSpeaker's suite of tools follows the UDL methodology to end equity gaps and ensure inclusion for all. Understanding that accessibility is good design ensures that each learner is met where they are in their learning journey. Providing a powerful set of tools that works with assessments as well as throughout the entire LMS, checks not only the "accommodations box" for your institution's population but also helps those that do not fall under the Disabilities Services umbrella. ReadSpeaker's ease of implementation and great user experience rounds out The ReadSpeaker Difference.