Technology Test Kitchen (TTK) Chef Demo: Designing Interactive Syllabi...the why’s, the how’s, and the tools

Brief Abstract

Join the TTK team for an interactive discussion around interactive syllabi and the reasons we might want to begin incorporating them into all our courses. Along the way you’ll learn about useful technologies you can leverage for building interactive syllabi, and will start to sketch out your own.

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Adam Davi is a Senior Instructional Designer at the University of Arizona who works with faculty to design engaging online courses. Adam has a Master of Science in Educational Technology as well as a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership. He has experience working directly with students as a teacher and learning specialist before transitioning to his role as an Instructional Designer. He is passionate about developing innovative courses that foster student success and promote ownership over one’s learning. He loves working in a field that encourages collaboration and creativity. When not working, he spends time volunteering for Arizona Camp Sunrise and Sidekicks, a children’s oncology camp, and enjoys playing games, watching baseball, and talking Star Wars with anyone who is willing to listen.

Extended Abstract