Feminist Pedagogy in Online Teaching: Equitable and Inclusive Pedagogical Practices to Enhance Learning

Concurrent Session 6
Streamed Session

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Brief Abstract

The principles of feminist pedagogy can lead to learning environments that are equitable, inclusive, and engaging which are necessary elements for learning.  In this interactive session, participants will consider how to apply feminist pedagogy to their own online teaching and will workshop one assignment according to feminist pedagogical principles. Participants will also be introduced to the open-access guide, Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online


Extended Abstract

Feminist pedagogy has been described as, “engaged teaching/learning - engaged with self in a continuing reflective process; engaged actively with the material being studied; engaged with others in a struggle to get beyond our sexism and racism and classism and homophobia and other destructive hatreds and to work together to enhance our knowledge; engaged with the community, with traditional organizations, and with movements for social change” (Shrewsbury 1993).  Feminist pedagogy is a way to teach and a way to re-conceive the classroom as a learning environment that promotes the humanity of students and teacher while seeking to undo oppressive forces that too often dominate our online (and on-ground) classroom spaces.  Feminist pedagogy seeks to re-frame learning as a means of liberation in the classroom and beyond.

Feminist pedagogical principles such as cooperative learning, building trusting and equitable communities in online courses, cultivating self-reflexivity, and empowering students as agentic co-educators can engage learners and enhance learning. While these principles are critical for fostering equity and inclusion, they may seem daunting when instructors design and teach their course.  Many of us already utilize feminist pedagogy in our online courses and can continue to develop our courses into spaces that promote the tenets of feminist pedagogy.  

This session will provide instructors with knowledge and practical ideas for using feminist pedagogy principles to foster equity and inclusion, and enhance learning.  With intentional planning and knowledge of feminist tenets for teaching online, many active-learning techniques, critical dialogue and thinking strategies, and routines of care used in face-to-face classrooms can be utilized to foster equitable and inclusive online learning environments.  Participants will be introduced to the open-access guide, Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online, curated by the presenters.  This guide includes tutorials, assignment descriptions, a compilation of resources, as well as information on accessibility and universal design. Presenters will demonstrate how feminist pedagogy principles can promote collaborative learning, prompt students to be agentic co-educators, produce mutually respectful, supportive, and inclusive classrooms, and connect course content to students’ personal lives and communities beyond academia. Participants will have the opportunity to workshop one online assignment according to feminist pedagogical principles.


Session Outcomes:

Each participant will be able to:

Articulate the tenets of feminist pedagogy for teaching online and gain access to the Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online guide.

Reflect on how feminist pedagogy tenets connect to their own online teaching philosophy and practices.

Workshop one assignment according to feminist pedagogical principles for online teaching.



Overview of feminist pedagogy tenets with examples from our own courses

Introduction of the Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online guide

Self-reflection and discussion of how feminist pedagogy related to participants' teaching philosophy and practices

Workshop an assignment using feminist pedagogy tenets

Conclusion and wrap-up



Shrewsbury, Carolyn M. "What Is Feminist Pedagogy?" Women's Studies Quarterly 21.3/4 (1993): 8-16. Web.