Incorporating Institution Wide Quality Online Course Enhancements across All Modalities to Meet the Current Demands in Higher Education

Concurrent Session 1

Brief Abstract

Higher education today demands flexibility across all modalities. Quality online course design principles and tools can be used to ensure the demand for flexibility and enhance the quality of course design across all modalities. This presentation will review lessons learned post pandemic and how online learning design and tools are being used to improve flexibility and quality learning institution wide.


 Interested in applications of information and communication technologies to teaching and learning, especially focused on helping faculty enhance teaching effectiveness with emerging technology tools. 

Extended Abstract

One impact of the pandemic on higher education has been the recognition of the benefit of online learning tools across all teaching modalities and the need for quality in online course design. In this presentation, Dr. S. Raj Chaudhury will review lessons learned post pandemic and the University of South Alabama’s institutional response to meet the need for flexibility and web enhanced learning going forward. Institutional leaders are challenged with balancing the need for quality in online learning and scaling this change institution wide. Strategic planning and change management are necessary to sustainably grow online courses, web enhanced learning and quality online course design. Quality online course design rubrics, such as Quality Matters, ensure that online courses have clearly stated course learning objectives and that the instructional material, assessments, and technologies align with those objectives. Ensuring that all courses have a similar structure and alignment and space in the campus LMS responds to the need for flexibility and supports effective learning. This presentation will provide specific challenges and successes while transforming entrenched practices and culture regarding online education at the institution.