Why Human-centered Online Proctoring Is Needed In Every Level of Exam Security

Concurrent Session 2
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Brief Abstract

Human interaction and involvement in the proctoring process are paramount to your exams’ integrity. During this presentation you’ll learn all the reasons why software-only proctoring systems don’t work, and how you can infinitely scale human-centered proctoring solutions to improve your test security, administrative workload, and test-taker experience.


Evan has worked for ProctorU/Meazure Learning for 7 years. He started as a proctor and worked his way up to his current role as Regional Services Director. He has a unique skillset and knowledge base from his experience in the remote proctoring industry.

Extended Abstract

During this unprecedented time, everyone within the education landscape has had to learn the importance of secure online proctoring. As we helped our partners adjust to a fully online learning environment and administered millions of exams during the pandemic, we continually evaluated how we could best serve both students and administrators in terms of academic integrity, test-taker journey, and program assessment. We came to an inevitable conclusion: real, live humans are the most critical part in administering reliable, fair, and secure online exams.

During this presentation we’ll tell you all the reasons why we decided to take a stand against software-only solutions, what we’ve learned since we did, and how human-centered, tech-enabled proctoring solutions can scale to meet the security needs of every exam on your campus – from a first-year philosophy class to a final practical nursing exam. Not all exams are created equal, and neither are all proctoring solutions. Different exams require different levels of security – from user login to securing the test-taker environment to breach intervention. We’ll show you how to determine which human-centered solution best fits your program’s needs, and how scaling to the correct level can positively impact your exam integrity, budget, administrative workload, and test-taker experience. You’ll also see real-life examples of how we’ve used the most effective and flexible aspects of artificial intelligence to assist (not replace!) our proctors, as well as how tech-only systems can create unnecessary stress and administrative workload.