Blended Learning Summit - Part 1: Directions For Research on Blended Learning Practice

Concurrent Session 4
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Brief Abstract

This interactive presentation will involve input from participants about what they feel the most pressing research questions are for the blended learning research community.  Presenters will share trends related to current blended learning research as well as perspectives on blended learning research and practice from different regions around the world.


Charles R. Graham is a Professor at Brigham Young University who studies technology-mediated teaching and learning, with a focus on the design and evaluation of blended and online learning environments. He also researches the use of technology to enhance traditional teaching and learning. His current research publications can be found online at:

Extended Abstract

Blended learning is a phenomenon that is happening worldwide and the global pandemic has only increased the speed with which institutions have had to adopt strategies that combine both online and in-person instruction. The increased adoption of blended learning has accentuated the need for research that can better describe and inform practice in ways that lead to improved outcomes for learners and institutions. 

This session brings together perspectives from four presenters who have years of experience in blended learning research and practice from different regions of the world. Each presenter will provide insights into the state of blended learning in their regions as well as common challenges being faced.  They will address what research is available and what would be helpful in addressing these practical challenges.

  • North American perspective - Charles Graham a Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University, is author of several books on blended learning research and practice and has been studying blended teaching and adoption in the United States for almost two decades. (
  • Middle Eastern perspective - Hassan Selim, the director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the United Arab Emirates University, has deep experience with facilitating the adoption of blended learning  and faculty professional development at UAEU. (
  • Latin American Perspective - Alvaro Galvis, is Lead Advisor for Educational Innovations at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. He recently authored a book on blended learning for the Latin American audience. He has also been a central mover and organizer in professional development efforts related to blended teaching in Colombia and Spain. (
  • Asian perspective - Cher Ping Lim is a Professor at the Education University of Hong Kong. He has worked closely with UNESCO to help universities in countries across Asia to adopt inclusive and quality blended learning practices. He has recently authored two books with cases from his work.  (

Audience members will be invited to participate in a discussion around three key questions. 

  • What are major challenges to effective BL practice?
  • What research has been helpful?
  • What future research directions would be particularly helpful?

Discussion of needed future research will include the following themes among others

  • #1 Institutional Readiness for Blended Learning - need for research around institutional strategy, infrastructure, and support for institutional adoption of blended learning.
  • #2 Student Readiness for Blended Learning - need for research around knowledge, dispositions, and skills students need to be successful in blended environments and how to help students of all ages to develop these skills.
  • #3 Faculty Readiness for Blended Learning - need for research around the competencies needed for effective blended teaching and models of professional development for helping a large workforce develop those skills in a timely way.