Research Summit - Part 1: Global Perspectives in Sustainable Development Research

Concurrent Session 1

Brief Abstract

Collaborative partnerships, including the Texas International Education Consortium and the Online Learning Consortium, leverage resources and expertise to offer Ghana and the Philippines higher education institutions capacity building in their quest to become Centers of Excellence for online instruction. Learn how we cultivated sustainability at multiple levels: individual, institutional, and social. Our research reveals how we provided the unique opportunity to not only re-engage students at risk for attrition, but also reimagine education to include higher-order thinking and flexible learning that will better prepare its students for the global workforce. Funding for these projects were through the United States Department of State, the Commission of Higher Education in the Philippines, and EducationUSA Manila.  


Heather Farmakis, PhD joined Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC) in August 2018 and serves as the Chief Programs & Operations Officer. Dr. Farmakis’s expertise is in online learning, leadership and executive education programs, educational product development, accreditation, business development and entrepreneurship, and program evaluation. She is instrumental in obtaining grants and program awards, with Fulbright Commissions, the U.S. State Department, Ministries of Education, and others. Prior to joining TIEC, Dr. Farmakis offered professional development and consulting services for association executives, school leadership, and business owners.

Extended Abstract