Manage Your Learning with the Self-Determined Learning Template

Concurrent Session 2
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Brief Abstract

The Self-Determined Learning Template (SDLT) is an innovative instrument for employing techniques of critical analysis in the learning processIt is designed to equip adult learners with the skills to organize and integrate essential elements of a selected topic, and construct an adaptable, concise model for current and lifelong learning.

Extended Abstract

The Self-Determined Learning Template (SDLT) is an innovative, proven and effective instrument for expanding your knowledge, facilitating retention, and cultivating critical thinking. While not intended to replace formal academic research, this method introduces a model that enables you to explore, thoroughly learn, and even master a topic. Nonetheless, its main elements are simple enough to commit to memory when needed.

If you have basic computer skills, you can create an SDLT. It is designed to be a progressively modifiable word-processed document, and can be adapted to analyze and evaluate essentially any written or even oral information.

The instrument consists of twelve organizational categories you may apply to nearly any topic or subject, or to a narrow subdivision of a topic. It is personalized, and can be employed to assist in research or as a material reference when studying for a test, writing a paper, presenting a speech, or leading a discussion. You can apply it to an article, a book (or chapter in a book), a concept, theory, argument, practice, organization, and more. Information can be added, modified or deleted at your discretion.

The Self-Determined Learning Template can be utilized by students or instructors as a tool to reinforce learning, or as separate means of inquiry.  It is, however, not limited to academia.  For example, professional writers, speakers, politicians and life-long learners can gain substantial benefit by creating an SDLT for nearly any topic of choice.

The SDLT method is not culture-specific, and can be readily adapted for other languages. It is most useful, however, when the Internet is readily accessible.

Attendees will receive handouts complementing the presentation and will be provided the opportunity to make comments and ask questions.

By the close of the presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • describe the purpose of the Self-Determined Learning Template as an innovative model for learning;
  • apply the twelve Template categories to classify, synthesize, revise and prioritize information relevant to a selected topic;
  • compare and evaluate resources in order to judge the accuracy and timeliness of information;
  • create a Template for comprehensive and ongoing learning about nearly any topic of choice.