Online Adjunct Faculty Learning and Performance - Institutional, Programmatic and Psychological Factors that Lead to Part-Time Graduate Instructor Excellence in Health and Health Services Delivery Oriented Programs


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Brief Abstract

Session explores research on graduate-level online instructors teaching in professional programs (N = 130), Results indicate that institutional and role-based factors play a role in online adjunct learning, development and continued success.  Theoretical framework, findings, and practical steps programs can take to support online adjunct faculty performance will be discussed. 


Andrew C. Wiss, PhD, EdM is the Director of Online Learning and a Professorial Lecturer of Health Policy and Management in the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University. He has extensive experience designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of technology-enhanced, situated and organizational learning solutions across a broad range of industries and knowledge domains. In his current role at GW, Dr. Wiss leads the development and delivery of the Milken Institute School of Public Health’s continuously growing portfolio of online and hybrid programs and courses. Andrew’s teaching and research focuses on: adult learning, organizational learning, gamification and learner motivation, faculty motivation and development, the learning and performance of experts in practice and the use of emerging technologies (including simulation mediums such as AR and VR) to support learning in authentic contexts.

Extended Abstract

This session reviews a recently conducted study on the perceptions and experiences of graduate-level online instructors teaching in professional programs that serve as training for roles in the health and healthcare space (N = 130), including: public health, health services administration, health informatics and nursing.  Results indicate that a number of specific institutional and role based factors play a role in online adjunct instructors ongoing learning, development and continued success teaching in these types of programs.  A discussion of this research's theoretical framework, findings, and practical steps other online programs can take to support online adjunct faculty performance will be conducted.