Developing Service and Strength-based Personas to Scale Faculty Support for Design

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Brief Abstract

Developing faculty personas and taking a strength-based approach to align our service needs with our team skills allowed us to scale course design and production services. We’ll show you how we accomplished this and give you the tools to join the club!

Extended Abstract

Our small but mighty team was facing the challenge of serving a large number of faculty with various course design and video production needs for blended, hybrid, remote, and online courses. Exponentially scaling services became paramount. We will share details of  developing faculty personas based on institutional knowledge, experience, and faculty/department feedback; inventorying and communicating our scalable services; and taking an iterative approach to refining and addressing emerging faculty support needs. 


Addressing support needs were met not only by refining our processes and design services, but aligning individual and team strengths to meet faculty support needs. By aligning functions to strengths of individuals on the team, we were able to scale and sustain services for over 15 months. The bottom line: faculty received the support services needed; the design and production team leveraged strengths and sustained their level of service while finding continued satisfaction and purpose in their roles; and faculty reported a high degree of satisfaction with the services received. Mission accomplished!


During this session, we are going to share info on how we accomplished our mission, and give you  tools to join the strengths-based club. We will use pre-designed padlet tools to encourage brainstorming, ideation, and asynchronous interaction. Taking an intentional strength-based approach can be new for some individuals and teams, so we will use the interaction tools to encourage application of this approach across participants, in addition to instructional design and faculty personas. Discussing how to leverage strengths and what you do well is usually more fun than a deficit approach - join us!